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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

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Governmental nature protection institute the National park “Braslavskie ozera” is a complex of nature protection economy and scientific-researching institute. The main task of the national park is preservation of standard and unique nature complexes in their natural state as well as the preservation of the biological landscape diversity. Projected forestry events are aimed to the use of forest resources with the simultaneous increase of nature protection functions of planting, increase of the productivity of the forest stands, improving of the rock structure.

Governmental nature protection institute the national park “Braslaskie ozera” consists of specifically protected territory – the national park “Braslavskie ozera”, covering 51237 hectares and Experimental forestry economy “Braslav”, covering 61080 hectares. Total square of the national park “Braslavskie ozera” is 112 317 hectares and it contains 10 forest districts.

Total square of the 1-st group forests is 74,5 thousand hectares, the second group – 37,8 thousand hectares.

The list of the most protected territories:

  • The national park “Braslavskie ozera” as a part of the Governmental nature protection institute the national park “Braslavskie ozera” – 51237 hectares.
  • Republican hydrological sanctuary “Richy”. Total square – 1. 391 hectares.
  • Hydrological nature monuments.
    • Hydrological nature monument of the local importance “Lazenky spring” (Vydzy forestry).

    • Hydrological nature monument of the local importance “Okmenitsa spring” (Braslav forestry).

    • Hydrological nature monument of the local importance “Nikly spring” (Druya forestry).

    • Hydrological nature monument of the local importance “Nikylsky spring” (Druya forestry).

    • Hydrological nature monument of the local importance “Tolstorogy spring” (Druya forestry),

  • Geological nature monuments
    • Boulder “The Big stone of Braslav”.
    • Boulders “Krasnogorsk”.
    • Boulder “Cow’s stone”.
    • Boulders “Stones from Voloso”.
    • Boulder “Big stone from Leoshkino”.
    • Boulder “Devil’s trace” .
    • Boulder “Big stone Dydalsky".
    • Boulder “Big stone Strusto".
    • Boulder “Devil’s stone”.
    • Boulder “Miraculous stone”.
  • Valuable geomorphological and landscape formations:
    • Slobodka esker between Potech and Nedrovo lakes.

    • Eskers between Severny Volos and Snudo lakes.

    • Kames between Snudy and Strusto lakes near Keziki village.

    • Arc-shaped kames on Boginskoe lake.

    • Esker-kame complex along Nespish and Nedrovo lakes.

  • Valuable natural areas of the national park “Braslavskie ozera”:
    • Former state landscape sanctuary “Mezhozerny” (quarters 163-167 Druya forestry).

    • Former state sanctuary – cranberry field “Zabolotye” (quarters 135-139, 155-160 Zamoshye forestry).

    • Former ornithological sanctuary of the local importance “Snudy” (quarter 161 of Braslav forestry, the northern-western water area of Snudy lake, including islands).

    • Former state botanical sanctuary “Dubky” (quarters 90-91 Braslav forestry).

    • Islands of Strusto lake (quarters 60-64 Braslav forestry).

    • Islands of Boginskoe lake.

    • Park “Belmont” (quarter 140 Braslav forestry).

    • Severny Volos and Yzhny Volos lakes (quarters 178 and 576 Druya forestry).

  • Archeological monuments:
    • Braslav ancient settlement IX – XV centuries that was located between Dryviaty and Noviaty lakes in the center of the modern city.
    • Barrow grave field VIII – X centuries, Akhremovtsy village.
    • The ancient settlement. Early iron age. V century BC – IV century AD – Zarachsky, Zazony villages.
    • Barrow grave field. Early iron age, early feudalism. VI – XI centuries. – Selsoviet Kozansky, Ustie village.
    • Barrow grave field. Early iron age, early feudalism. VI – XII centuries. – Selsoviet Opsa, Shalteny village.
    • The ancient settlement. Early iron age. V century BC – V century AD – Selsoviet Plusy, Lushki village.
    • The ancient settlement. Early feudalism. XI – XII centuries – Selsoviet Slobodka, Maskovichi village on a shore of Debro lake.
    • The ancient settlement 1. Early iron age. VII century BC – IV century AD – Slobodka village.
    • The ancient settlement 2. Early iron age. VII century BC – IV century AD – Slobodka village.
    • Barrow grave field VIII – XI centuries – in front of Bogino village, on the northern-eastern shore of Boginskoe lake.
    • The ancient settlement VII – XI centuries Zhvirbly village.
    • Barrow grave field VII – XI centuries – Maishuly village.
    • The ancient settlement – Pustoshka village, in the western shore of Strusto lake.
    • The ancient settlement VII century BC – IV century AD – Shaury village.
    • The ancient settlement in Maishuly village, natural boundary Ratsky Bor.

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