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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Ecological education

Ecological education

Ecological-educational work

The National park  "Braslavskie ozera” as well as other national parks of Belarus is an ecological-educational institute by its definition. The Act “of the most protected natural territories” proclaims the ecological education of the population to be one of the most important directions of national parks activities alongside with the protection of nature complexes and their studying. According to the national park, the organization of ecological education of the population is considered to be one of the most important tasks. Forms and types of ecological-educational activity of the national park are different and include different directions.

The center of ecological education is a material base for ecological-educational work with population in the national park and it is equipped with different interactive equipment with the use of modern technologies and new forms of work which allows to visitors not only to get information but also to emotionally feel the importance of preserving of the natural and cultural heritage and to realize the role of the national park in it. Currently the center of ecological education of the national park consists of three different rooms: the conference room, the conference hall and the ecological classroom. The eco-center of the national park gives to visitors information about the national park, the history of its creation and developing, biological diversity. The information is given in the form of multimedia presentations, lections, popular scientific films, quiz games. The showing of the wild animals and species diversity of the flora attracts visitors to the national park and serve to the ecological-educational purposes. The demonstration of open-air cages and platforms for phenological observations contribute to this practically.

One of the traditional directions of the ecological-educational activity in the national park is work with media. The spread of information about Protected areas of Belarus and the forming of the positive attitude to them is fulfilled by the active advertisement-publishing activity. Leaflets, booklets, stickers, emblems, badges, pennants, photo albums, posters, wall and pocket calendars, cards published by the national park give the opportunity to discover natural and historical-cultural sights. Advertising-publishing activity contributes to the forming of the uniform informational space, to the exchange of the experience of the ecological-educational work among interested organizations, popularizes ideas of preserving the natural wealth of the Republic of Belarus.

One of the most important direction of the ecological-educational activity of the national park is work with school children who are the constant participants of all nature protection actions. School children alongside with the adults take part in the cleaning and improvement of the territory of the national park. Ecological-educational work with school children allows to draw the children’s attention to the problems of nature protection and creates conditions for forming ecological outlook of teenagers.


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