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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN


The main directions of scientific work

For providing conducting of the complex monitoring of ecosystems in compliance with the regulations of the national system of monitoring of the environment in the Republic of Belarus, there was created the local net of observation points of the complex monitoring of ecosystems of the national park.

Main tasks of complex monitoring are:

  • accumulation, generalization and analysis of the actual information about ecosystems of the National park “Braslavskie ozera”;

  • control and qualitative evaluation of the structure and composition of ecosystems of the National park (depending on the category);

  • evaluation of the state of the forest ecosystems of the National park by the range of criterions based on bioindication indexes;

  • assessment of the condition of the swamp and field ecosystems of the National park “Braslavskie ozera” by the range of the criterions based on bioindication indexes;

  • assessment of the condition of water ecosystems of the National park “Braslavskie ozera” by the range of bioindication indexes on the lakes Uzhny Volos, Drivyaty, Snudy, Boginskoe, Albenovskoe, Berezhe, Elno, Strusto;

  • revealing of the main threats influencing negatively on the condition of the forest and swamp ecosystems of the National park, on monitoring routes;

  • assessment of the effectiveness of the protection regimes and nature use on the territory of the National park “Braslavskie ozera”;

  • forecast of the dynamics of the state of the ecosystems of the National park “Braslavskie ozera” by the results of monitoring observations;

  • analysis of the flora of the National park “Braslavskie ozera” the revealing of the areas of growing plants species registered in the Red Book of thr Republic of Belarus or that are under the prophylactic protection;

  • working out the recommendations for taking the managing and project decisions concerning nature complexes of the National park “Braslavskie ozera”;

  • the accumulation of the results of the monitoring of the nature ecosystems of the National park “Braslavskie ozera” and their submitting to the interested state bodies, state nature protection institutes, scientific organizations, public and others.