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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

About us

About us

The National Park «Bráslavskie Ozera» was established in 1995. It is located in the northwestern part of the Republic of Belarus in the vicinity with the Lithuanian and Latvian borders and covers the territory of more than 64 493, 3 square kilometers. The main purpose of its establishment was to preserve and protect the unique natural complexes.

The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» is a jewel of Belorussian Lakeland that is carefully guarded by the State. A picturesque landscape of the forest, a blue spread of lakes and river valleys, meadows and marshes attract an endless flow of tourists. Good ecology of the place contributes to the development of different types and forms of tourism.

The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» performs environmental, scientific, tourism and recreation, health improving and rural activities, including forestry, hunting, agriculture, fisheries and wood processing.

Currently, State Nature Protection Institution The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» consists of several structural divisions: The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» itself, Experimental Forest-Hunting Grounds «Braslav» and the Agricultural Farm «Urbany».

The administrative building of The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» is located in Braslav.

According to the features and value of natural complexes, the territory of the national park is divided into 4 functional zones with a suitable regime of nature protection:

  1. Reserved area (zone) – 5.3% of the total area (all activities are prohibited, except scientific researches and measures protection regime).
  2. Regulated use area (zone) – 70.1 % of the total area (limited forest economy and hunting activities, established by the projects of the institution in order to develop forest economy and hunting facilities)
  3. Recreation Area (zone) – 4.2 % of the total area (tourism activities and placement of recreational facilities are allowed in accordance with the environmental legislation of the Republic of Belarus)
  4. Economic zone (area) – 20.4% of the total area (occupied by administrative buildings and structures of the national park).

Main purpose and tasks:

  1. preservation of the natural complex of the Braslav group of lakes as a historically developed landscape and the genetic fund of vegetation and fauna, that is typical for the Belorussian Lakeland;
  2. preservation of unique natural complexes and objects in their natural state, located on the territory of the National Park «Braslavskie Ozera», as well as biological and landscape diversity;
  3. organization and implementation of environmental measures on the territory of the national park, ensuring compliance with the established regime of protection and use of the territory of the national park;
  4. organization of environmental education, public education and popularization of the environmental protection.
  5. organization of tourism, recreation and other recreational activities, population health improvement.
  6. organization of scientific researches, related to the development and implementation of scientific methods for the conservation of biological diversity, natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects in conditions of recreational and economic use, assessment of the ecological situation in the region;
  7. assistance in organization of scientific researches;
  8. organization of environmental monitoring;
  9. preservation of cultural heritage (objects of ethnography, archeology, history, paleontology, etc.);
  10. organization of economic activities and other activities due to the established regime of protection and the use of the territory of the National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» .