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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

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Tourist complex "Drivyaty"


211969 the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav town, Rybkhoznaya st. 15.

Personal transport:
  • Minsk - tourist complex "Drivyaty" (about 242 km)
    on the highway М3 (Minsk-Vitebsk) to the highway Р3 (Logoisk-Zembin-Glubokoe-Border of Latvia (Urbany)) (about 108 km); to the left, on the highway Р3 (Logoisk-Zembin-Glubokoe-Border of Latvia (Urbany)) to Braslav (about 132 km); to the left, following the pointers to the tourist complex "Drivyaty"
  • Vitebsk - Polotsk (about 105 km):
    on the highway Р20 (Vitebsk-Polotsk-the border of Latvia (Grigorovshchina)) to Polotsk (about 105 km)
  • Polotsk - tourist complex "Drivyaty" (about 128 km):
    on the highway Р45 (Polotsk-Deep-border of Lithuania (Kotlovka)) to the highway Р14 (Polotsk-Miory-Braslav) (about 12 km); to the right on the highway Р14 (Polotsk-Miory-Braslav) to Braslav (about 114 km); to the left, following the pointers to the tourist complex "Drivyaty" (about 2 km).

Tourist complex "Zolovo"


211969 the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav district, Degtiari village.

Personal transport:
  • Minsk-tourist complex "Zolovo" (about 232 km)
  • Vitebsk - Polotsk (about 105 km):
    on the highway P20 (Vitebsk-Polotsk- the border of Latvia (Grygorovshina)) to Polotsk (about 105 km)
  • Polotsk - tourist complex "Zolovo" (about 137 km)
    on the highway P45 (Polotsk-Glubokoe- the border of Lithuania (Kotlovka)) to the highway P14 (Polotsk-Miory-Braslav) (about 12 km); to the right on the highway P14 (Polotsk-Miory-Braslav) to the highway P3 (Logoisk-Zembin-Glubokoe-the border of Latvia (Urbanu)) (about 111 km); to the left, on the highway P3 (Logoisk-Zembin-Glubokoe-the border of Latvia (Urbanu)) to the right turn, following the pointer to the Tourist complex "Zolovo" (landmark - Okolitsa village) (about 10 km); to the right, following the pointers to the tourist complex "Zolovo" (about 4 km).

Tourist complex "Leoshki"


211986 the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav district, Leoshki village.

Personal transport:
  • Minsk-tourist complex Leoshki (about 256 km):
  • Vitebsk-the tourist complex "Leoshki" (about 242 km):
  • Polotsk-tourist complex "Leoshki" (about 132 km):


The map of the location of reserved campsite
The map of the location of general campsite
Map of Braslav district with camping sites 2020.pdf