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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Our contacts

Our contacts

The administrative building of National Park «Braslavkie Ozera» is located in Braslav.

Our business address is: 211970, Republic of Belarus, Braslav, Dachnaya str., 1.
For tourist information, please contact our visitor center.
211970, Republic of Belarus, Braslav, Dachnaya str., 1. First floor of the administrative building.
+375 29 22 62246 (+ Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype)
Tourist complex «Drivyaty»:
211969, Republic of Belarus, Braslav, Rybkhoznaya str., 15a.
+375 2153 26110 (day and night)
Restaurant «Drivyaty»:
+375 2153 26275
Person on duty, fishing:
+375 2153 67710 (day and night)
+375 33 6458581 (day and night)
Website of the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Forestry and Nature Management Workers https://vitprofles.1prof.by


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