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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Natural resourses

Natural resourses

Braslav land is one of the most beautiful natural corners in Belarus, combined by the unusual relief and multiply lakes with rich vegetation and diverse animal world. In 1995 there was established the National park “Braslavskie ozera” with the total area of 64,4 hectares to preserve the natural complex of Braslav lakes group as a standard for natural landscapes, the storage of the genetic found of the vegetation and animal world of Belarussian Lakeland and its use in the process of nature protection, scientific, educational, tourism, recreational and health activities.

During centuries the Nature was creating these fascinating places. As a result of long and complicated processes, passing by while the going of the glacier, the actual relief of Braslav land was formed, which outstands by its unique diversity. The edge glacier formations combine with the parts of glacier lake lowland. Esker-ridge complexes increase the diversity of the place the same as the numerous hollows of the lakes that existed beforehand.

The uniqueness and beauty of the local places caused by the presence of the cleanest lakes, each of which differs by its own peculiarity and originality. Within the national park there are 74 lakes, covering 12 590 hectares, which is around 17% of the territory of the national park. They are the part of river Daugava basin and are located by groups including Obabje group in the north, Braslav group in the central part, Bogino group in the south. Braslav lakes group consists of more than 30 lakes and appears to be one of the biggest lakes group in the country.

The national park “Braslavskie ozera” is a multi-profile complex institution, which executes on its territory company, fishing, tourism, nature protection and hunting activities.

Depending on the peculiarities and values of the natural complexes on the territory of the national park there were allocated functional zones with corresponding regime of nature protection: recreational, nature preserving, company and the zone of regulated usage.