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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Park vegetation

Forest vegetation.

Vegetation world of the National park is strongly connected with the peculiarities of the geomorphological, solid and landscape structure of the region. The leading role in a vegetation cover belongs to forests that cover 66,8 % of the total territory of the national park which is 34,2 thousand hectares. Meanwhile pine forest dominate in the region – 49,5%, fir groves – 17,6%, birch forests – 24,1%. Within the forests bounds there are elite forest areas 100-150 years old consisted of pine, oak and ash.

Meadow vegetation.

About 9% of the territory of the National park are occupied with meadows, including the meadows of natural origin – 2%. It consists equally from dry and lower meadows. Flora of the meadows is rather diverse. Lower meadows are located in deep hollows, no-sink meadows with an abundant moistening.

Swamp vegetation.

Swamp areas and separate swamps of the National park are connected between themselves, also lakes, forest streams and rivers and make the unique complex water-swamp system, which is characterized by the abundance of all known for the area types, categories and vegetation associations, swamps. Swamps totally cover 8435 hectares of the territory of the National park. Meanwhile the part of open swamps itself is only 2008 hectares.