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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Purposes and tasks

Purposes and tasks

Governmental nature protection institute The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» was created by the Minister Council resolution №440 from August 10, 1995 aiming to preserve the nature complex of Braslav group of lakes as a standard for nature landscapes, the storage of genetic fund of the flora and animal world of Belarussian Lakeland and its use in the process of nature protection, scientific, educational, touristic and recreational activities.

Main purposes and tasks:

  • preservation of natural complex of Braslav group of lakes as a historically developed landscape and the genetic fund of vegetation and fauna, that is typical for the Belarusian Lakeland;

  • preservation in its natural state the unique natural complexes and objects, located on the territory of the National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» and biological and landscape diversity;

  • organization and implementation of environmental measures on the territory of the national park, ensuring compliance with the established regime of protection and use of the territory of the national park;

  • organization of ecological education, public education and popularization of the environmental protection.

  • organization of tourism, recreation and other recreational activities, population of health improvement.

  • organization of scientific researches, related to the development and implementation of scientific methods for the conservation of biological diversity, natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects in conditions of recreational and economic use, assessment of the ecological situation in the region;

  • organization of environmental monitoring;

  • preservation of cultural heritage (objects of ethnography, archeology, history, paleontology, etc.);

  • assistance in organization of scientific researches;

  • organization of economic activities and other activities due to the established regime of protection and use of the territory of the National Park «Braslavskie Ozera».

The National Park «Braslavskie Ozera» is considered to be the potential Ramsar territory (water-swamp lands that have international importance mainly as the habitat of waterfowls). Besides it has the status of the key ornithological territory and key botanic territory.

Thus, the status of the national park, its differentiated reserve regime allows to combine the nature protection, scientific, regulated economy and social activities. All of this is displayed in relevant plans, projects and programs, which the national park works on. At the same time, it is considered that the nature protection and economy complement each other without excluding.