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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Tourism and recreation

Tourism and recreation

 Tourism and recreation activities in the National park «Braslavskie ozera» are closely connected with unique landscapes of Braslav region. Unforgettable glory, fresh air, abundance of lakes, rivers and streams – all of this make the national park to be one of the most beautiful places in our country.

In addition, what could be better than a vacation on the shore of a beautiful lake?

 In the most beautiful corners of the national park, there are four tourist recreation complexes: Drivyaty, Leoshki, Zolovo, Slobodka and 80 campsites.

    We offer you the wide range of different activities all over the year:
  • Excursion around Braslav and the National park «Braslavskie ozera»
  • Photo-safari tour
  • Wonderful motor boat ride
  • Hunting tours
  • Fishing tours with a professional guide
  • Variety of walking and cycling tracks
  • Ecological tourism
  • Sauna, swimming pool, hot tub, gym and barbecue zone.

Holidays can be different. Go ahead, hunt for new impressions!

For details about vacation in the National Park «Braslavskie Ozera», please call:
+375 2153 67 700
+375 2153 67 707
+375 2922 62246 (+ Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp),
or write on our e-mail turizm@braslavpark.by

recreation and tourism