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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

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Hiking trail "Park Bel'mont"

Отдых дикарем на кемпинге

Hiking trail "Park Bel'mont" 

        Hiking ecological trail is a part of natural territories, specially organized for recreational and educational purposes. Hiking trail “Park Bel’mont” was developed for a purpose of ecological, esthetic, and nature protection education of visitors, their familiarization with natural and historical-cultural value of the national park. Free visit of the trail is allowed, same as the visit under the accompaniment of a professional guide.

Отдых дикарем на кемпинге

        Bel’month, being the second largest park in Belarus with the total area of 62 hectares, was based in the middle of the 18 century. The old park ensemble was formed by different owners, several times coming to desolation, then being built again taking other forms. Initially, a big residence with the magnificent two-storied palace, an Italian park was based later in 60-70s of the 18 century. The next century the palace-park complex was swallowed by a landscape layout with well-expressed features of romanticism. Despite many different damages of the park, there are still some general features of its layout expressing several compositional elements, preserved water system, not functioning though, and a good tree stand. Park is located on a high hill terrace with the great relief change (the name “Bel’month” itself means “Beautiful mountain” in French). The unique old tree stands of the artificial origin, formed on the park territory during the last two centuries, have a great importance for preserving biological diversity of the region. High productive planting of maple, linden, ash, fir at the age of 110-140 years considered to be the most valuable and rare plantings not only of the National park but of all Belarusian Lakeland.

Отдых дикарем на кемпинге

Hiking trail extents for 2,4 kilometres and has 15 stops, equipped with the informational stands.

Stop №1  contains information about the ecological path “Park Bel’month” and its demonstration objects.

Stops № 2,3,6,8,10,11,13,15 have information about the diversity of the flora of “Park Bel’month”. It gives biology and ecology peculiarities, the appearance and areas of living of plants species, given their preserving status.

Stop №4 shows information about the farmstead and history of park Bel’month.

Stop №5 gives information about the hydrological system of park Bel’month, designed for filling and functioning of the artificial reservoirs, melioration and regulation of the effluent on the territory of the park.

Stops № 7,9 give information about the diversity of tree, bunch-tree species of park Bel’month.

Stop № 12 contains information about dendrochronology, determination of tree age.

We wish you new discoveries!

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It is FORBIDDEN to leave garbage on the ecological path!