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Ecological trail "Slobodka esker ridge"

Ecological trail "Slobodka esker ridge"

Ecological trail “Slobodka esker ridge”

The ecological trail “Slobodka esker ridge” was developed for a purpose of ecological, esthetic and nature protection education of visitors, their acquaintance with the nature of Braslav Lakeland and historical events which lived the mark on the esker ridge.

Ecological trail outstands by its picturesque landscape; the route includes different sights: rare shapes of glacier terrain; juniper thickets of different shape – cone, pyramid, etc.; typical for moraine slopes steppe ground cover, including rare and protected plaints species; the settlement of VII-VI century A.D. and XI-XIII centuries A.D.; military field of boundary Polish troops (1920 - 1939).

Ecological path is 4,6 km. length going through cross-country terrain and includes 7 stops, equipped with benches, garbage collectors, information stands. On the course of the route signs are installed, on steep accents and descents there are installed stairs.

Stop №1 gives information about the ancient settlement of (VII – VI centuries D. C. inhabited for the second time in XI – XIII centuries D. C.), as well about the archeological findings and people’s life at that time.

Stop № 2 informs about the vegetation of the “Slobodka esker ridge”. Here you can find different types of plants: vetrenytsa lesnaya, kolokolcihch, veronica sedaya.

Stop № 3 informs about the water vegetation of Belarus on the example of lakes Potech and Nedrovo.

Stop № 4 is located on the highest point of the esker ridge. Here is information about the relief of the Braslav Lakeland, the process of its forming under the influence of the glacier.

Stop №5 informs about hydrological and biological features of lakes Nedrovo and Potech (the size, genetic type, oxygen regime, transparency and water mineralization, typical habitants).

Stop № 6 gives the historical information about the times of Poland government in 1919 – 1939 on the territory of Braslav land as well as about the shooting range set on the esker ridge by Poland frontier guards.

Stop №7 informs about the diversity of the habitants of the animal world of the esker ridge (birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects).

Ecological path “Slobodka esker ridge” fits both organized groups of tourists accompanying by a guide and personal visit.

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It is FORBIDDEN to leave garbage on the ecological path!