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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Excursion routes

Sightseeing tour on the territory of the National park “Braslavskie ozera”

Duration  3,5 hours

  • Castle mountain - former fortified settlement of V-XVIII centuries in Braslav

  • Trip on “Mayak” mountain which is one of the best observation points of our Republic. Visit of the healing source (you can bring vessels for water with you; healing water being stored for one month without spoiling).

  • Visit of the open-air cages with wild animals, typical for Belarusian Lakeland

Ecological hiking trail across Slobodka esker ridge

Duration  2,5 hours

  • Hiking trail of 4,5 km. The esker is a natural monument. You will see rare relief shapes: eskers, kames and dry erosion hollow. Visit “Jesus Heart” church.

Sightseeing tour across Braslav

Duration 3 hours

  • Castle mountain - a former fortified settlement of V-XVIII centuries in Braslav

  • Local history museum in Braslav. It has six halls of full-time exposotion, reflecing the most important historical events of the region, and an exhibition hall (entrance tickets are purchased on the place)

  • Museum of traditional culture in Braslav. Exspositions of weaving, basket weaving, pottery, wood carving, wood proccesing. Souvenirs can be purchased there (entrance tickets are purchsed locally)

Observation of wild animals in their natural habitat

Duration  1.5 – 3 hours

It is for those people who want to get the breathtaking experience from observation in the wild nature, have a desire and a hope to see wild animals in their natural habitat and want to get pleasure from seeing the animal life in pure nature.

A trip on the open-air cages economy of the national park “Braslavskie ozera”

Acquaintance of tourists with the structure of open-air cages and pond economy, as well as with its habitants and their life. You will see artificial reservoirs and their purpose, pond fishing and changing of different ecosystems of the region connected with human activity.

«Architecture of Belarusian Lakeland»

Duration – 3 hours

Type - bus excursion 

In Glubokoe you will get acquainted with the town, its buildings, including the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the former Carmelites monastery, which is the most outstanding sample of barocco style in Belarus. You will take a look at a restored catholic Holy Trinity Cathedral – an outstanding architectural monument, connecting within itself baroque features and modern style elements. You will visit the House of crafts, which is reviving national traditions, the museum of the outstanding aircraft designer Pavel Suchoy, who was the native of Glubokoe, will see the plane СУ-17 created by him. During summertime there is an opportunity to visit the arboretum with more than 500 plants species. During the excursion you will visit Mosar and get acquainted with the unique monument of classicism of the last quarter of the XVIII century.

Excursion route

The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Holy Trinity Cathedral - House of crafts - plane СУ-17- arboretum - curch of St. Anna and the park

The route functions 24-hour

"Polotsk is the oldest town of eastarn Slavs in Belarus"

Duration – 3 hours

Type - walking/bus excursion 

Sightseeing tour across Polotsk on the topic “Polotsk is the oldest town of eastern Slavs in Belarus” shows the beginning of Belarusian statehood, culture and spirituality, rich historical-cultural heritage, national traditions which is the powerful source for understanding the native culture and spirituality, which is an integral part of national heritage, European and international cultural process. On the example of the monuments of Polotsk are shown the most important stages of Belarusian history.

Excursion route

The upper castle, The Cathedral of Holy Wisdom – the lower castle, former Epiphany Monastery – the house of Peter I – a monument to Gregory’s Guardsmen - the square of warriors-internationalists – memory sign to the letter «Ў» - Euphrosyne of Polatsk street, the monument to Euphrosyne of Polatsk – the monastery of Euphrosyne of Polatsk.

The route functions whole year

«Pastavy Lakeland»

Duration – 1,5 hours

Type - walking/bus excursion

Pastavy is rich on architectural monuments: during the walking/bus excursion you will visit the palace-park ensemble of the 18s century, built by the count Anthony Tyzenhaus, a famous ornithologist (near the palace there is his monument), also you will visit the House of crafts “The old windmill”: here are exhibited the best samples of traditional art by Pastavy masters. Inspect the Church of Saint Nicolas (1894) created in Russian-Byzantine style, with traditional for this style rich design. Also you will see the gothic revival church of Saint Anthony of Padua – which is a pearl of historical center.

Excursion route

Palace-park ensemble – The House of crafts “The old windmill” – the Saint Nicolas Church – the Church of the Saint Anthony of Padua

The route functions whole year

«Minsk city is the capital of Belarus»

Duration – 1,5 hours

Type - walking/bus excursion

Modern Minsk – is the big industrial and cultural center of the Republic, an important transport hub. The town population is around 2 million citizens. In Minsk there are an Academy of sciences, 14 Universities, 10 museums, 10 exhibition halls where are preserved exhibits, disclosing the history of Belarussian nation, cultural and art treasures, documents on the life and activity of outstanding people of our country.

Every corner of our city is full of history. The excursion begins in the area of the ancient Minsk remains – the place where the ancient Minsk was born. It goes on in the Trinity Hill – preserved town block of the XIX century. On the way we will meet the island of tears – the memorial complex dedicated to warriors-internationalists, which transformed to something bigger with time – a symbol of a maternal sorrow. And, finally, it ends up near the magnificent architectural ensemble of the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus.

Excursion route

The ancient Minsk remains - The Trinity Hill – The island of tears - Maksim Bahdanovič street – The Big theatre


The name of the tour for a group

Brief description

Price per one person

Sightseeing tour on the territory of "Braslavskie ozera" national park»

Duration  3,5 hours.

  1. Castle hill - former fortified settlement IX-XVIII senturies in Braslav
  2. Trip to "Pharos hill", Which is one of the best observation points of our country. Visit of the healing source (you can bring dishware for water with you, that can be stored for 1 month without spoiling

41,00 / 16,0 $

per one  person**

Sightseeing tour on Braslav

Duration 3 hours

1. Castle hill - a former fortified settlement 9-18 century in Braslav. Area 2 hectares.
2. Museum of the local history in Braslav. It has six halls of regular exposition, reflecting the most important historical events of the region and an exhibition hall (entrance tickets are purchased locally).
3. Museum of traditional culture in Braslav.Expositions of weaving, straw weaving, vine weaving, wood carving, pottery, wood processing. Here you can buy souvenirs (entrance tickets are purchased locally).

21,00 / 8,2 $

per one person**

  Polotsk… the City-patriarch

Duration 7 hours


Polotsk… the City-patriarch, city-chronicler, birthplace of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Vseslav of Polotsk, Francysk Skaryna, is a giant of Belarusian history, a puzzle that is not studied and not solved till the end. You will see 2. Cathedral of Holy Wisdom - Epiphany Cathedral in Polotsk, built by architects from Byzantium in XI-XII centuries. Visit to the Epiphany Cathedral in Polotsk – which is the recognized center of Belarusian orthodoxy and spirituality.

63,00/ 24,6 $

per one person**

Church in Mosar village

Duration 5 hours.

Church in Mosar village, the glory of which stepped further not only the region itself but the whole Belarus. Acquaintance with the Church of Saint Anna of 1792, the source, museum and the surrounding area which impresses by its outstanding beauty.

42,00 / 16,4$

per one person**

Minsk - the capital of the Republic of Belarus

Duration 12 hours

Minsk – Is the capital of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk – Is the capital of the Republic of Belarus - this is a sightseeing tour in Minsk. Having visited that excursion, you will see all the main sights of the capital of Belarus. Modern and ancient Minsk is an echo of the past with his outstanding symbol of its autonomy – the Minsk ratusz; modern Minsk is wide avenues, green parks, bright architecture. Come and feel the city that is in the center of Europe.

107,00 / 41,7 $

per one person**

Excursion to Hlybokaye

Duration 12 hours

The territory of Hlybokaye district is a model of the landscape of Belarusian Lakeland. Glybokaye is a town of churches and cathedrals, where each street, each corner is full of history. It is located in the meadow and on two elevations, between lakes.

46,00 / 18 $ 

per one person**

Thousand year-old Vitebsk

Duration 12 hours

Sightseeing tour in Vitebsk city. The excursion introduces us to the rich history, cultural and spiritual traditions of the city, that grew on the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”. Well-preserved and restored buildings from historic part of the city of XVIII-XIX centuries will please your sight.

99,00 / 38,6 $

per one person**

 Excursion "30 versts of the old way"

 We invite you to visit the Slavic burial mounds, the estate of the personal enemy Casanova, as well as the Iron Age settlement and German dugouts from the First World War. The highlight of the tour is the famous place Vidzy, where you can climb the tower of the Vidzovsky church - the highest in Belarus.


27,90 / 13,64$*  

per one person**

 Excursion "Pearls of the north of Braslav region"

We suggest you drive through less top, but no less beautiful places in the Braslav region. We will visit the picturesque lake "God's Eye", admire the unusual church in the metro station Slobodka. We will climb the famous settlement "Maskovichi" - with traces of the Vikings and a wonderful view of the surrounding lakes. On the way - the city of Druya, which had Magdeburg rights, with the famous Borisov stone and a remarkable Jewish cemetery. We will finish at the waterfall on the river. Vyata.

34,00 / 13,3 $*  

per one person**

Excursion "Braslav region - the land of 8 religions" 

History, features of the religions of the inhabitants of the Braslav region - from paganism to Protestantism and Russian Old Believers. We will visit the places of ancient sanctuaries, temples and monasteries of Braslav. 

24,00 / 9,4 $*  

per one person**

 Excursion "Braslav safari"      

  Lovers of nature and beautiful landscapes. It will be proposed to visit: the mountain "Mayak" - a symbol of Belarus, the healing spring "Okmenitsa". On the way you can see a beaver hut and a real pagan altar. Visiting a safari park with a bear, wolves, deer, wild boars, bison. The duration of the tour is 3 hours.

     26.00 / $10.1$* per one person**
 Excursion "7 Wonders of Braslav Region"

The most remarkable architectural, historical and natural places of the region: Castle Hill with a monument to the doctor St. Narbutu, the church with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Braslav, the healing spring "Okmenitsa", the famous mountain "Mayak". 

23,00 / 9,0 $*  

per one person**

 Excursion "Visiting the miracle masters"

 You will be invited to get acquainted with the work of the national master of Belarus Pyatrus Uglov, a visit to the cheese farmers Yulia and Alexei, a contact farm; visiting the museum of the cat Brasik with stories and the opportunity to taste potato pancakes like grandmother Wanda's. The duration of the tour is 4 hours.


27,00 / 10,5$*  

per one person**


Hiking trekking: "The land of forests, lakes, swamps"


A simple route, introduces the nature of northern Belarus. On foot - 6 km. For adults and children from 10 years old. Duration of the hike: 4 hours.


17,00 / 6,6 $*  

per one person**

**The tour will take place with a group of at least 8 people.

Given price includes transport service from tourist complex "Drivyaty"
The price in USD are given according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus from 17.06.2022
* Price without entrance tickets