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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Bicycle routes


The water route across the open-air cages and pond economy - 7 km.

An interesting walk with the possibility to see wild animals in their natural habitat. On the feeding platforms you can find bisons, elks, deers, roes. On the course of the route there are informational stands dedicated to the habitants of the open-air cages. From the observation tower you can observe the picturesque panorama of the endless scopes - an apropriate place to take a photo for memory.

Soil road


The Route  «Historical» -  35 km.

Braslav town- Ikazn village - Slobodka village - Shaury village - Braslav town

Joyful and fascinating trip through the territory of the National park "Braslavskie ozera". Walking route.

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The Route "Happy bicycle" - 21 km.

Braslav town - Litovshina village - Shaury village - Rubezh village - Braslav town.

Pleasant and simple ride through the central part of the National park "Braslavskie ozera". The route is designed for tourists of the average physical condition.

Road type: asphalt, soil.

вокруг озер400x300.jpgThe Route "Around the lakes" - 65 km.

Braslav town - Slobodka village - Luni village - Leoshki village - Krasogorka village - Strusto village - Braslav town

This is a good ride around Braslav lakes across the central and northern eastern part of the National park "Braslavskie ozera"

The route is for tourists of middle-average physical shape. The greate opportunity to challenge yourself.

Road type: asphalt, soil and country road.


Комфортный 1_400x300.jpgThe Route "Comfortable-1" - 22 km.

Braslav town - Rubezh village - Myrazy village - Petukhovshina village - Krasnotseltsy village - Braslav town

An exstremely good ride across the most beautiful corners of the central part of the National park "Braslavskie ozera".

The route is for tourists with the normal physical shape. Ideal for novices. On the course of the route you will meet many interesting places for calm recreation.

Road type: asphalt, soil and country road.


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The Route "Comfortable-2" - 16 km.

 Braslav town - Rubezh village - Myrazhy village - Braslav town

The route is for tourists with the normal physical shape. This is an ideal route for novices - slow moving speed and many stops alongside the route. Having been tired you can have a meal and a rest on the shore of a lake.

Road type: asphalt, soil and country road.


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The Route "Green way" - 32 km.

Braslav town - Rubezh village - Murazhu village - Gysarivshina village - Strusto village - Zhvirbli village - Krasnoseltsy village - Braslav town

The route is for tourists with an average and normal physical shape. Bicycle road streches near the shores of the lakes Nespish, Strusto, Elno, Dryviaty, near the forests and meadows. The greate route to challenge yourself.

Road type: asphalt, soil and country road.

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The Route "Path" - 2.5 km

Combined route (Nordic Walking, usual walking, skiing)              

The easiest route through the former reserve "Dubki". It is for novices, steadily increasing the demands on professionalism.

Road type: asphalt, soil and country road.

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