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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Campsites on Lake Obabje


Reserving campsite is located on Lake Obabje in a pine forrest. It is a very beautiful meadow on the peninsula.

Accommodate up to 15 people

Equipped with the canopy, pier to the water, campfire with benches, toilet, garbage collector

Coastline: prevailing water vegetation with the small area of sandy bottom. Nice sandy coast, convenint inlet to water, the depth starts in 10 m.

The camp fits well for fishing

For travel, be sure to use a cross-country vehicle. GPS-coordinates: N55°45.4002', E027°13.3440'

Price per day:
Sunday - Thursday* - 96,00 BYN
Friday - Saturday** - 120,00 BYN

To reserve

* The price is valid Sunday - Thursday (since 1 pm) except holidays and pre-holidays.

** The price is valid Friday - Saturday, holidays and pre-holidays.
Frequently asked questions



батиметрическая схема озера Обабье

Coastline is low (0,1 m), sandy. Maximum depth is in the center of the lake.

The lake belongs to the River Drujka system, connected with Lake Dubro, Dubok and Elno by channels, the outflow goes through River Obabitsa (the tributary of River Druika) in the southern part of the reservoir. Alongside the eastern coast there is an esker ridge composed by well-sorted sands.

Water transparency is 2,3 m., chromaticity – between 15-20 degrees. Genetic type – eutrophic.

Ichthyology fauna

Currently in the lake there are 15 fish species: bream, pike, eel, ide, perch, roach, white bream, tench, silver crucian, golden cricuan, carp, burbot, rudd, bleak, ruff. Three of them are introduced – eel, carp, silver crucian.


Located 16 km. north-east from Braslav nearby Obabje village.

Square 1,40 km2
Volume 2,54 million m3
Max/average depth 2,9 m / 1,8 m
Max/average width 0,87 km / 0,43 km
Length 3,27 km
Coastline 10,5 km
Coordinates 55°45′17″ n.l.
27°13′35″ e.l.

* The text of the description is based on a handbook: “Water resources of “Braslavskie ozera” national park” under the edition of B. P. Vlasov.