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National Park Braslavskie Ozyora

+375 29 2262246 (Пн-Пт 08.00-17.00)    RU BY EN

Campsites on Lake Voloso


Reserving campsite is located on a meadow of the peninsula, which is between Lakes Sverny y Uznoe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl5ua7gA6hs&list=LLqLTkf3OIYxP3EAdieJFzqw

Accommodate up to 20 people

Equipped with: two arbors,  canopy, toilet, campfire with benches, canopy for firewood, garbage collector

Sandy coastline

GPS-coordinates: N55°44.1270', E027°8.4228'

Price per day:
Sunday - Thursday* - 200,00 BYN
Friday - Saturday** - 250,00 BYN

To reserve

Reserving campsite is situated on the northwestern shore of Lake Severny Volos

Accommodate up to 6-8 people

Equipped with: arbor,  canopy, toilet, campfire with benches, canopy for firewood, garbage collector

Coastline: mostly coast-water vegetation with the small area of sand bottom

GPS-coordinates: N55°45.434', E027°7.039'

Price per day:
Sunday - Thursday* - 76,00 BYN
Friday - Saturday** - 95,00 BYN

To reserve

Custom tourist parking is located on the shores of Lake Voloso Yuzhny. Designed for 20 people Equipped with: a gazebo, a fireplace with benches, a bathhouse, a pier to the water, a toilet, a waste bin. Coastline: sandy The access to the tourist parking passes along the field and forest roads. We recommend using a car with high ground clearance (clearance). (Directions Braslav - village Slobodka, at the fork to the left, to the village of Luni, 1.5 km to the left according to the signs) The responsible person for the order and supply of firewood is Drujskoye lesnichestvo. Coordinates (temporarily absent):

Price per day:
 Sunday - Thursday* - 136,00 BYN
Friday - Saturday** - 170,00 BYN

To reserve

* The price is valid Sunday - Thursday (since 1 pm) except holidays and pre-holidays.

** The price is valid Friday - Saturday, holidays and pre-holidays.
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батиметрическая схема озера южный волос

It belongs to the number of small but deep lakes. Coastline is low made by three bands of cost banks (up to 2 meters high). In the northern part a wide channel connects it with Lake Voloso Severny from where the stream flows into Lake Snudy and further, through the lake system into the river Druika.

The chromaticity is low (from 5 to 10 degrees), water transparency is 7-11 meters, containing not significant amount of biogenic elements with the low level of oxidability. Lake Uznoe Voloso has the significant attributes of oligotrophy.

Ichthyology fauna

Currently in the lake there are 15 fish species: bream, pike, eel, perch, roach, white bream, tench, golden crucian, burbot, vendace, snetok, rudd. One of them is introduced – eel. Two species that inhabit the lake is registered in the Red book of the Republic of Belarus – vendace, snetok.


Located 10 km. north-west from Braslav, 1 km. south-west from Leoski village.

Square 1,21 km2
Volume 15,07 million m3
Max/average depth 40,4 m / 12,5 m
Max/average width 0,7 km / 0,48 km
Length 2,5 km
Coastline 6,95 km
Coordinates 55°43′43″ n.l.
27°08′14″ e.l.

* The description is based on a handbook: “Water resources of “Braslavskie ozera” national park” edited by B. P. Vlasov.